Tag: unaccompanied children

As One ‘Tent City’ for Immigrant Children Closes in Texas, Another Opens in Florida

Earlier this month, the Trump administration officially closed the doors of a “tent city” holding over 2,800 immigrant children in Tornillo, Texas. The closure comes after months of public pressure and local organizing. However, any celebration is short-lived. Just days after Tornillo’s closure, the administration announced its plan to increase bed space in another juvenile […]

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The Government Failed to Conduct Background Checks on Staffers at Migrant Child Tent City

Thousands of migrant children are currently being held at a tent city in Tornillo, Texas along the U.S.-Mexico border. Most of the children traveled alone in order to flee from violence in their Central American home countries and to reunite with family members already in the United States. An investigation released this week by the […]

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